最近在使用Mac系统安装nginx时,遇到一个错误Error: nginx: Invalid bottle tag symbol导致一直安装不成功。根据以往的习惯就是直接去查询各种博客资料。这次有点出乎意料,没有搜到我想要的答案。最后选择去NG官网看看,没想到还真的找到了答案。


使用 brew install nginx安装 NGINX,一直报一个错:

Error: nginx: Invalid bottle tag symbol

一开始以为是brew版本的原因,就去升级了brew的版本。可在我更新了 home brew后,错误依然存在。



我就发现了,可以使用安装包的形式来安装,这样就可以不用依赖 brew 了。为什么这种最原始的方式,在各大博客里都没有推荐呢,都是推荐用程序包管理器来安装,可能也是方便吧!

另外又找了一篇 2014 年的博客,写了如何在 Mac 上通过安装包的形式安装 NGINX 。



Install Nginx

  1. Download the latest stable version – nginx 1.22.0.
  2. Unzip the downloaded package by the command “tar xvzf nginx-1.22.0.tar.gz”.
  3. “cd nginx-1.22.0”.
  4. “sudo ./configure”. There is an error displayed:

在第 4 步会遇到一个报错:

./configure: error: the HTTP rewrite module requires the PCRE library.
You can either disable the module by using --without-http_rewrite_module
option, or install the PCRE library into the system, or build the PCRE library
statically from the source with nginx by using --with-pcre=<path> option.
  1. To fix the error, visit the tutorial page and read “Building nginx from Sources”, in which you can find the link of PCRE library.
  2. Go to PCRE official site, and find the latest version of PCRE library on SourceForge.
  3. Download the package and unzip it by the command “tar xvzf pcre2-10.40.tar.gz”.
  4. Now, you can run the configure file again with the parameters ”sudo ./configure -–with-pcre=”.
  5. Configuration is done.

PS:第 4 步需要切换到 NGINX 包目录下执行,path 为 PCRE 的安装包目录(使用绝对路径)

the default nginx path prefix is “/usr/local/nginx”.

  1. To install nginx, type in “sudo make install”.
  2. Find the executable file “cd /usr/local/nginx/sbin”
  3. Launch nginx “sudo ./nginx”

PS:第 1 步,需要在 NGINX 安装包路径下执行!

The nginx is successfully running now!

test nginx

NGINX 的默认监听端口为 80,按以上步骤启动后,直接在浏览器访问 或者 curl即可。

请求响应出现 Welcome to nginx!即代表 NGINX 安装成功。


